Earn %20 Recurring Revenue.

Refer people to Karmola and earn 20% of monthly recurring revenue for a year. If someone signs up at Karmola Premium with your Affiliate Code, you will earn 20% of that sign up revenue. If you have a following, or believe that you can get creators and businesses sign up at Karmola, fill out the form below to apply at our Affiliate Program.

How it works?


1- Share The Affiliate Link We Give You.

Share your referral link with your friends, followers, customers, community members on any platform; Slack,Discord,Facebook Groups, Twitter,Linkedin,Skool, Circle, Whatsapp or Telegram. Anywhere.


2- Somebody signs up.

When your friend signs up with that link for Karmola, they will be attributed to you.


3- Earn 20% commission for a year.

You'll earn 20% of their monthly subscription fee for a year.

How we will help you with this?

We love win-win. So we will be holding your hand in every second of your Affiliate journey. How? Besides the 2 below, you will always have the chance to schedule a live call with us so that we can support you with strategy and ideation.

We will provide you with the content, image or video assets and will help you create ones that you think are more suitable for your audience.

Need help, inspiration, or ideas? We will add you on our affiliate community Telegram group to help you exchange ideas with our team.

Fill Out The Form To Apply.

You will get an email with your affiliate link and assets to help you share your link.