Karmola For Mentors.

Create beautiful digital product pages and start monetizing your mentorship. Bundle or crumble into pieces everything you can offer with your mentorship and display it in the form of a Digital Product.

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1.Sell Event Tickets.

Create events in any niche, share it over socials and with your community, start selling your tickets today. Reach wider audience to sell your tickets by getting support from our team( Read #7 Below This Page).

2.Sell Videos.

Curate unlimited videos related with your mentorships. Sell online courses, behind the scenes from offline events, paid vlog series, private content, highlights of special moments, pre-recorded Q&A sessions, masterclasses, tutorials related with skills & activities and values that you provide within your mentorships, and many more. Sky is the limit!

3.Sell Online Workshops & 1:1 Mentorships.

Set up a livestream on your favourite platform, create a LiveStream digital product on your Karmola account, paste the livestream link and publish. Private lessons, mentorships, workshops, live concerts, live events, shows, you name it.

4.Sell PDFs.

Any piece of text that can go inside a PDF document can be sold as PDF Digital Product. PDF isn't about ebooks, course booklets, online magazines, articles of drawings; you can also paste a piece of code on a pdf, sell a link to your private membership or the map location to your next event. Sell a contract on a PDF that represents a sponsorship deal or agreement. Sell an Ad Space within your community or on any of your online platform. Sell a "Privilege" to participate in the next Livestream auction you will have for Brands who wants to become your one-time sponsor. Ideas are unlimited, Karmola supports them all.

5.Sell Downloadable Files.

Compress any extension into a ZIP file and sell as a bulk. Recorded event session videos, mentorship templates(roadmaps, checklists, timelines, etc.), e-books related with mentorship topics & activities , downloadable presentations or workshop materials related with your niche, private photographs, albums of individuals participating your events, participation badges, certificates, digital art, promotional banners, 3D graphics. You can even build and then sell a membership to your own mobile or web mentorship app here and we support you with that.

6.Build Or Grow Your Community.

We have placed a "Unlock Access To My Community By Purchasing This Product" feature on every product page so that anyone who purchase one of your digital products will automatically be redirected to join your group or community over your favourite platform such as Whatsapp, Telegram and more.

7.Become Our Affiliate Partner & Earn %20 Recurring Revenue.

Refer people to Karmola and earn 20% of monthly recurring revenue for a year. If someone signs up at Karmola Premium with your Affiliate Code, you will earn 20% of that sign up revenue. Huge margin & nothing to lose. Try it out.

8.Creator Partnership Program.

Become a Gold member and gain access to our exclusive Slack channel where we act as your Private Personal Branding Agency and unlock access to our growth frameworks as well as automated digital tools. Do you have large audience in a specific niche? Being a creator is hard and time consuming; you constantly need to create content, handle sponsorship deals, manage your community and so on. In an ideal world when the time comes, you need to find a way to turn your audience into a quality community operating on a specific niche and then eventually launch a product that caters to and solves the specific needs of your community. Owning an audience doesn't mean you will launch a great product let alone grow it into a cash-flowing online business. There, we come in to support you mapping out a plan, creating a software and growing it into an online business that involves our full support in handling numerous digital tasks on the journey while acting as your personal branding agency.